AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
6 daysUpdated mic script to mute mic then show status.HEADmasterMichael Kantor
2024-12-18Added hammer script. Added script to display the current clipboard contents a...Michael Kantor
2024-10-14Readded exit function that was accidently removed.Michael Kantor
2024-10-14License original programs under GPLv3.Michael Kantor
2024-06-08Qtile writes it's pid to /tmp/qtile.pid.Michael Kantor
2024-05-03Made qtile script for reloads in $HOME/git/qtile/bin/.Michael Kantor
2024-04-17Removed condition that made mpv stop floating while pinned.Michael Kantor
2024-04-16Changed vimpc to ario.Michael Kantor
2024-03-28Added hammer keybind.Michael Kantor
2024-01-18Added scratchpad for vimpc.Michael Kantor
2024-01-09Removed screenshots from README.md.Michael Kantor
2024-01-09Recreated git repo as screenshots were too large.Michael Kantor